There’s a lot of new guys that have joined our platform and we wanted to say hey, and let you know what is going on here now, and in the very near future.
This platform is first and foremost built with you in mind. We are all here to encourage a safe place to talk, vent, and most of all, move forward, using personal development and prevention wellness as the launching pad to maximizing your performance in everything you do. We are at a time in the world when there is no choice but to be the best version of ourselves, and in saying that, we all need work in some area’s. It’s no doubt that most, if not all, of you are working through your own personal journey of stress management, family stuff, financial pressures, health concerns and more. Maybe some, maybe none, but at the end of the day, nothing changes until it does.
So we bring he. Right now the app is in it’s infancy, and we straight up want to thank you for coming on early and supporting us when we are small and young. The plan is to blow this thing up and have a kick ass community here that you can access for anything you are looking for in health, wellness, networking, work, relationships, etc. etc.
Where are we at now?
Ok. The premise of the app is “Balance Before Burnout”. So right now this app has articles to address some pressing issues that you let us know are plaguing you. Additionally, we have our he.cast podcast that talks all things mental health, videos, recipes, workouts, and inspirational quotes in our SPARK. There is a, simplified, mood indicator, that provides tips and tricks to support you wether you are having a shitty, meh, or even a good day. And of course, one of the highlight’s of the app is the community feature. Hit the talk icon on the bottom bar and see the rooms available to join. You don’t have to feel pressured to participate. Sometimes just reading the conversations helps. But, if you’re in a place to offer guidance, or if you have something you’re working on that you could use an ear for, the offer is there. No one needs to know who you are.
What is up next?
First, we know the conversations are hard when you can’t tag or mention someone, as well as the way the thread is set up. Our next release will rectify this making the experience easier for you. We are also adding tangible tools for you to use in times of stress. Everyone is familiar with CALM and Headspace and their meditations to help with stress. We are taking that to a new level giving you quick hits of scientifically backed modalities like acupressure points, tapping meridians (EFT), reflexes, cognitive switches and more to combat stress immediately and on the fly. We can’t take stress away, but we can help teach you how to recalibrate to give you the best fighting chance of making informed, logical choices. Cool hey?
Also, as if that’s not enough, we will be bringing in a reward system based off your desire to want to better yourself and also your ability to help other guys going through the same things. This will also help ensure anonymity for you, while keeping negativity out. This is a place for you to go to be safe and we take that seriously.
What is coming?
And finally, our goal, as we mentioned, is to grow the shit out of this. We will be bringing in more rooms in the app to speak in. It can be stuff that you are passionate about and stuff you want to learn about. We will be expanding our physical fitness platform to tie it into your mental health specifically. As well, we are working to bring partnerships with food and recipes to give you ideas and support on your diet and eating for mental health and wellness.
We also want to know what you want. What would make your life better? Give us the goods and we will do our best to make that happen.
Here’s the thing. We can’t do any of this without you! You drive this thing. You make it possible for us to grow and be the most all encompassing, gender specific resource for men’s mental health, wellness and performance, out there. By sharing this with your friends, colleagues, family and anyone you can think of, you are doing them and us a favour. Trust us, you may not know who is suffering. We have personal experience losing family to suicide that completely blindsided us. DON’T let that happen to you. Please. Share the app, the podcast, our social, the website. Please share it all and help us help them.
Thanks guys. We look forward to growing with you. Welcome to he.